Something mysterious happened during the 1910 Dark Falls Camp Easter Egg Hunt. We're not sure what, but the place hasn't been the same since.

Brand board capturing a vintage vibe with incongruent visual elements (a theme that plays a strong role in the organization's experiential identity). Rustic-ly dangerous.

Client approved round of logo concepts

Winner, winner, headless-chicken-running-around-the-backyard dinner!
Full set of logos and key identity elements

Lo-tech vintage signage heightens both nostalgic reverie and gothic atmosphere.
The hi-tech Blood Pool features a spectacular view and the ability to project vintage horror films on a dry ice "curtain." Chic-creep!

Identity makes a fashionably rustic statement on targeted consumer goods and experiential items.

You never know who's going to drop in at Dark Falls Camp. Movie nights will never be the same...if you survive. Promo card comp.

The concierge wall is made up of battered old luggage from guests that never made it back from the Spooky Walk. Current survivors...er, guests...receive a customizable sticker at checkout. Customize it with family name or other Instagram-worthy content and apply to luggage on exit.

Thanks for dropping in!